ITS – International Turnkey Systems

The Story

seperator case study story

Country: KUWAIT

International Turnkey Systems (ITS), a leading provider of integrated IT solutions in Kuwait, approached Webboxed with a clear problem: their old website needed to meet their needs. Outdated and unmanageable, it failed to showcase their cutting-edge solutions and human-centric approach effectively. Recognizing the urgency of a digital overhaul, ITS sought our expertise to create a website that was both modern and user-friendly.

Our collaboration with ITS began with in-depth brainstorming sessions. We sat down with their team to discuss various issues they were facing. They expressed frustration with their website’s performance, navigation difficulties, and a lack of engagement from visitors. It became clear that the existing site did not reflect ITS’s innovative spirit and commitment to serving people through technology.

To address these concerns, we tackled a comprehensive analysis of their website analytics. We meticulously examined user behaviors, pinpointing pain points and areas where visitors were losing interest. This data-centric approach provided us with a profound understanding of the user journey on the old site. We identified key issues such as slow load times, unclear navigation paths, and a lack of compelling content that failed to engage users.

Armed with these insights, we devised a strategic plan to transform ITS’s digital presence. Our human-centered approach guided the redesign, focusing on creating an intuitive, engaging, and visually appealing website. The new design prominently featured real-life images and stories of ITS employees, clients, and partners, bringing a personal touch to the tech-driven narrative.

The revamped website successfully captured the essence of ITS’s human-centric philosophy. It effectively communicated their dedication to improving lives through technology, resonating with both existing clients and potential customers. The new design not only enhanced user engagement but also positioned ITS as a forward-thinking, people-focused company in the competitive IT landscape.

Through this collaboration, Webboxed helped ITS bridge the gap between technology and humanity, creating a digital platform that truly reflects their mission and values. The website now stands as a testament to ITS’s commitment to serving people with cutting-edge solutions, driving their growth and success in the region.

seperator case study story

The Brand

The Website

From the outset, we understood that ITS’s core strength lies in their ability to create technology that serves people. This insight guided our design process, leading us to adopt a human-centered approach for the website. Our goal was to ensure that every element of the site emphasized the people behind the technology and those benefiting from it.

Design and Functionality:

We structured the website with a clean and intuitive layout, prioritizing user experience and accessibility. The design prominently featured real-life images and stories of ITS employees, clients, and partners, bringing a personal touch to the tech-driven narrative. This approach not only humanized the brand but also made the content more relatable and engaging for visitors.

The navigation was streamlined to ensure ease of access to key information, while interactive elements and engaging visuals were incorporated to keep users engaged. Each section of the website was designed to highlight ITS’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, reinforcing their reputation as a leader in the IT industry.

Impact and Results:

The revamped website successfully captured the essence of ITS’s human-centric philosophy. It effectively communicated their dedication to improving lives through technology, resonating with both existing clients and potential customers. The new design not only enhanced user engagement but also positioned ITS as a forward-thinking, people-focused company in the competitive IT landscape.

Through this collaboration, Webboxed helped ITS bridge the gap between technology and humanity, creating a digital platform that truly reflects their mission and values. The website now stands as a testament to ITS’s commitment to serving people with cutting-edge solutions, and it continues to drive their growth and success in the region.

Social Presence

ITS recognized the importance of a robust social media presence to connect with their audience and expand their reach. Partnering with Webboxed, ITS set out to enhance their visibility and engagement across multiple social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Our Approach:

To maximize ITS’s social media impact, we collaborated to developing a comprehensive strategy tailored to each platform, with a strong emphasis on LinkedIn due to its professional audience and advertising potential. The goal was to highlight ITS’s expertise, drive engagement, and generate leads through targeted advertising and strategic content planning.

Platform-Specific Strategies:

Content Focus: Industry news, company updates, and client success stories.
Engagement Tactics: Interactive posts, polls, and live Q&A sessions.
Visual Appeal: High-quality images and videos showcasing ITS’s solutions and team.

Content Focus: Behind-the-scenes glimpses, employee spotlights, and visually appealing project highlights.
Engagement Tactics: Stories, reels, and engaging visuals with strategic hashtags.
Brand Aesthetics: Consistent and visually cohesive feed to build brand recognition.

Content Focus: Thought leadership articles, industry insights, and detailed case studies.
Advertising Strategy: Targeted ads focusing on industry professionals and decision-makers.
Engagement Tactics: Professional networking, industry group participation, and webinar promotions.

Results and Impact:

Facebook and Instagram:

Increased Engagement: Significant rise in likes, comments, and shares, fostering a stronger connection with the audience.
Brand Awareness: Enhanced visibility of ITS’s brand and services, driving traffic to the website.

LinkedIn > Advertising Success:

  • Our targeted advertising strategy on LinkedIn yielded remarkable results, positioning ITS as a thought leader in the IT solutions sector.
  • Lead Generation: High conversion rates from LinkedIn ads, leading to valuable business inquiries and partnerships.
  • Professional Engagement: Increased follower count and engagement rates, with ITS’s content resonating well with industry professionals.

Through a carefully crafted social media strategy, ITS successfully enhanced their online presence and engagement across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The most notable success was on LinkedIn, where targeted advertising and strategic content planning significantly boosted ITS’s visibility and lead generation. This social media triumph has solidified ITS’s reputation as a leading provider of integrated IT solutions, connecting them with a broader and more engaged audience.

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